We spend 51 weeks and 6 days of the year moaning about the weather here and the twenty four hours it is scorching, us Brits moan, whine and whinge about how hot we are.
Our homes do not come with air conditioning and the best we can do is run down to Argos to buy a fan so the hot air is redistributed in our homes.
Last night was unbearable and so at about eleven pm I wrapped my pillow in a bin liner and shoved it in the freezer. When I went to bed it did provide some relief, at a fraction of the cost of the fan going all night.
The weekend was glorious and made all the better as my little 4yo nephew came to stay and I had him all day Saturday.
I picked him up from my parents at eight thirty and we went to Asda to spend the money his Grandpa had given him. We then went to near Stoke on Trent where they have a monkey forest. £7 for adults and £5 for kids. You then walked around a forest where monkeys roamed free. You were not allowed within 1 metre of the primates, but they were lovely and it is great to see these little things playing and interacting around you. "M" was enthralled! He also loved the sausages for lunch and a good hour in the free adventure playground, before back to look at the monkeys again.
We then went to a local summer fete which only cost a pound to enter. He fished for ducks, watched the acrobatic team, and dog show and them vigorously entered all the races, getting two firsts and a second. Such home spun and typically British activities that were all wonderful fun in the sun. Made all the more perfect in a 4 yo eyes as he had the superman logo painted on his face.
Back to my house to see the cats and have an ice cream with The Chap before we wended our way home to my parents where I was babysitting. We ate scrambled eggs and had a bath before reading dinosaur books and going to bed at eight thirtyish. At this point I am not sure who was most tired, but he had dark circles under his eyes and kept rubbing them though of course he was not tired!!
I did spend money taking him to the forest and having lunch out, but really such precious memories are priceless and the fete cost me all of £5 including entry, face painting money and plastic duck fishing. Really we could have both gone for a long walk and taken a picnic as all he ever wants is someone to play with.
If you do have a family, or have memories of spending time with little ones, they are the most amazing entertainment and fun to be with.
I read with interest this week that padding pool sales are up 816% in the Uk with this weather and getting hold of buns, salad and sausages is virtually impossible.
But really if the rain was coming down, wouldn't you go to the cinema? Or visit an undercover shopping centre? Spending far more than the cash I laid out for a fabulous day!
On the positive side the kitchen is almost finished, TC has done an amazing job and I hope to have pics shortly.
Frugally yours